Environmental policy
Our main long-term aim is
to try to continuously improve the environment in MPC CESSI a.s. and its surroundings.
Our main long-term aim is to try to continuously improve the environment in MPC CESSI a.s. and its surroundings, carry out the pollution prevention and consistently follow the relevant legal and other requirements related to our environmental aspects.

ISO 14001:2004
V zmysle tohto záväzku bola naša spoločnosť v roku 2013 druhýkrát certifikovaná podľa
medzinárodného štandardu ISO 14001:2004 na obdobie rokov 2013 – 2016 v činnostiach
Výroba a predaj mlynských, cestovinárskych, pekárskych a cukrárskych výrobkov
a spracovanie tvrdej pšenice (Triticum durum).
Pravidelný monitoring
Na dosiahnutie uvedených cieľov a pre zabezpečenie efektívnosti riadenia rizík v oblasti ochrany životného prostredia sú v MPC CESSI a.s. stanovené a pravidelne prehodnocované všetky vplyvy činností firmy na zložky životného prostredia:
We manage dangerous waste disposal |
We provide the waste separation according to particular kinds. |
We provide immediate securing of potential accidents with a release of toxic substances into sewage. |
We manage our activities with the following rules:
We follow and respect legal and other requirements, but we also apply our own activities aiming at the improvement of environmental conditions. |
We search and realise technical solutions in order to decrease the consumption of water and energy. |
We provide waste separation according to particular kinds. |
We continuously increase our employees´ environmental awareness and with cooperation with our suppliers we participate in the systematic environmental protection management. We prevent waste from being generated or the inevitable waste is appreciated or disposed of in a way which is harmless for people and environment. We minimise waste generation from all activities necessary to meet our customers´ requirements. |
We prevent the generation of waste and recover the necessary waste or dispose of it in a harmless manner for human health and the environment. We minimize waste generation for all activities that are necessary to meet our customers' requirements. |
We apply the principle of introducing preventive measures in taking care of the environment with the aim to minimise the adverse effects caused by our activity. We are striving for a transparent attitude to the environment. |
Our country deserves protection.
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